MS Wissenschaft

Die Außenansicht des Ausstellungsschiffs MS Wissenschaft. Das Schiff ist schwarz lackiert und hat die Aufschrift "MS Wissenschaft". Im Hintergrund ist die Spree zu sehen.
© Ilja C. Hendel / WiD
The floating science center

Since 2002, the floating science center MS Wissenschaft has toured the waterways of Germany and Austria to carry its information to towns and citizens. The former barge, loaded with science and knowledge, offers its visitors an exhibition which focuses on the subject of the German Science Year.

Since 2002, the floating science center MS Wissenschaft has toured the waterways of Germany and Austria to carry its information to towns and citizens. The former barge, loaded with science and knowledge, offers its visitors an exhibition which focuses on the subject of the current German Science Year. The major objective is to draw attention to current scientific research and to encourage a lively dialogue between the world of science and the general public. The participating research institutes and universities provide the exhibits and thus use the opportunity to present their research to the public in unconventional ways. The project is implemented by Wissenschaft im Dialog on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Weitere Informationen zum Projekt finden Sie hier:


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Wissenschaftsjahr 2023 - Unser Universum